Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, February 06, 2006

After technical difficulties I am finally back, sort of. My hot webmaster Jim deserves a spanking for this server mess but I'll let him slide.

I returned from Burbank last WEdnesday where I attended the Hollywood Collector's Show. It was a modest sucess for me as I sold a total of about 20 books. Lots of celebrities were there hawking their signed pics usually for a modest fee of $20 per autographed photo but some of them were outrageous. You had to fork over $40 to get a pic of Adam West and Richard Chamberlain had the nerve to sell his paperback autobiography for $40 if you wanted him to sign the book, which retails for $15. Tab Hunter was much more reasonable and sold his hardcover autographed for $27.

More soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:46 AM


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