Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, October 27, 2008


soap star Roscoe Born is one of my favorite actors and is one of the reasons I became a soap addict. As a newly enrolled college student with early and late afternoon classes, I stumbled upon Ryan's Hope at 12:30pm in the fall of 1980. Not surprisingly since I love 60's blondes, I immediately was impressed by Randall Edwards who played deceitful troublemaker Delia Reid Ryan Coleridge. A few months later Roscoe joined the cast as "reformed" mobster Joe Novack who returned to rekindle his romance with ex-wife Siobhan Ryan. But Joe was secretly still working for the mob and this storyline ala The Sopranos lasted for 2 1/2 years until Roscoe departed the show. Needless to say I was hooked. Roscoe was the bad guy you were suppose to hate but he was just so charming and handsome as Joe who really loved Siobhan but couldn't break his ties to the mob that you couldn't help but root for him.

Roscoe then had a shot at primetime stardom on Paper Dolls but after that was cancelled he returned to daytime as evil Mitch Laurence on One Life to Live, then back to Ryan's Hope as Joe in the summer of 1988 to wrap up his storyline, then onward to Santa Barbara as Robert Barr, etc. Most recently he appeared on Days of Our Lives.

I knew that Roscoe could sing but never heard him. Now I have. Click below. He has a really interesting voice and the song is very catchy.


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