Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For years Tippi Hedren has commented on how Alfred Hitchcock who made her a star when he chose her for the female lead in The Birds and Marnie had a sick fasination with her and then hindered her career. To Tippi's credit, she railed against the director while he was alive.

Now her Marnie co-star Diane Baker has entered the fray with an out-of-the-blue relevation about her experience with Hitchcock. Probably jealous of the attention her more famous co-star was receiving, Baker lets loose with this story. Click here to read her remarks and decide for yourself if you believe her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diane Baker is indeed a starlet, but I fear you may be giving Faye Dunaway a short shrift by casting her in the same category. Faye Dunaway, no matter what, is a star and has always been a genuine movie star. She was never an also-ran like the dull Ms. Baker.

8:00 AM

Blogger Beef said...

Hmmmm. Diane Baker has given several interviews in the past on her "Marnie" experience, and she's never once mentioned this! I actually like Ms. Baker as an actress (she's superb in "Strait-Jacket"), but you're right--this "revelation" is completely out-of-the-blue and likely to elicit skepticism.

5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Diane Baker hasn't worked in several years and is pretty much washed-up in terms of her acting career, so maybe she wanted to drum up whatever level of interest she could by sharing this anecdote?

9:11 AM


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