Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, October 13, 2008


In the mid -Sixties Faye Dunaway was just another blonde starlet who had appeared in two forgetable movies Hurry Sundown and The Happening without making much of an impression on critics or film fans. So it was surprising that producer/actor Warren Beatty cast her as Bonnie Parker in Bonnie and Clyde.

Natalie Wood was his first choice but she passed on working with her ex-lover. Jane Fonda too turned it down. Tuesday Weld was almost set to take on the role but had to drop out due to pregnancy. Blonde starlets Carol Lynley and Sue Lyon was seriously considered for the part. But lucky for Dunaway the film's director Arthur Penn caught her in stage production and at the 11th hour brought her to Beatty's attention. The rest as they say is film history.

Flash forward to a recent print interview for a new horror movie Dunaway is co-starring in where her inner Diva emerged. But to be fair the writer asked her a ridiculous insulting question that set her off. What was this interviewer thinking? Click here to read the full story.


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