Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Check out the August issue of Vanity Fair. There is an interesting article by Sheila Weller called "Wet 'n'Wild! How Surfing Took Off in 1950s America." The story focuses mostly on former Malibu surfers Mike Nader, Larry Shaw, Duane King, and their guru the late Miki Dora. But the last section has comments from and updates on beach girls Patti Chandler, Salli Sachse, Mary Hughes, and Linda Opie. The best part of the piece is a reunion photo of all the them at Malibu.

Pictured above are the beach girls ca. 1965 with (left to right) Patti Chandler, Aron Kincaid, Salli Sachse, Jo Collins, Mary Hughes, and Mikki Jamison.

The one disappointing aspect of the article is that I helped Ms. Weller by providing some contacts and answering her questions regarding the beach movies. All I asked for in return was a plug for my book, Hollywod Surf and Beach Movies: The First Wave, 1959-1969, in her article. As I expected there is no mention of it. Even so, I still recommend picking up a copy. It is always nice to see the beach girls get their do.


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