Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


That's right last night me and about 50 other lucky folks got the pleasure to see The Poseidon Adventure on the big screen in an ass-kicking mint print. The movie looked phenominal and still holds up to this day. The new Poseidon will of course outdo the original in the special effects department (though I still get goose bumps in the scenes where the SS Poseidon turns over-Hold on Linda!) but from the trailers I've seen none of the characters seem to be as memorable as in the original. Ernest Borgnine and Stella Stevens are simply terrific as the battling but loving Mike and Linda Rogo; Shelley Winters was well-deserving of her Oscar nomination as the fat Jewish lady, Belle; and Carol Lynley gives the film's most poignant performance as the terrified and helpless pop singer, Nonnie. Gene Hackman as the group's blustery leader Rev. Scott and Roddy McDowall as the injured steward Acres (never noticed his cute butt before, but I digress) also are effective.

It was a dream come true for me to finally see The Poseidon Adventure in a movie theatre. I have to thank my boyfriend Ern (despite his wisecracks about my Carol Lynley as Nonnie) who not only told me about the screening, he trekked with me out to Brooklyn to see it.


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