Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Friday, April 28, 2006


A few blogs ago I bashed Hanoi Jane and added her to my list of 60s starlets I-love-to-hate. I had an inquiry about the other 3 actresses mentioned and why I personally dislike them so here is my all-in-fun personal "bitchy" opinions:

Diane Baker - To me, she is one of the blandest most boring actresses from the decade to reach leading lady status. No range whatsoever. Despite this she is sooo full of herself that she teaches acting classes. When one of her 60s contemporaries heard this, she remarked incredulously, "What credentials does she think she has to teach? They might as well have hired a hamster."

Jill St. John - Of all the actresses I have interviewed that worked with her all but one said she was unkind to them on the set and described her as a witch and that is one of the nicer terms used.

Stefanie Powers - Beautiful? Yes. Deserving of her stardom? No. She never had a memorable movie role and in my opinion gives the same performance in everything she does.

On the positive side, starlets of their ilk that I love-to-love include Carol Lynley, Pamela Tiffin, Anjanette Comer, Tina Louise, Joanna Pettet, Nancy Kwan, Stella Stevens, Julie Newmar, Marianna Hill, Raquel Welch, and Ann-Margret.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for replying to my question. You made good points on all 3. Stefanie was awful as the Girl from UNCLE, Jill always seemed like a witch and Diane Baker... oh I'm sorry is that a starlet or an oil painting???

5:53 PM


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