Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Due to technical difficulties, my Blog was down much too long. I am back thanks to my skilled and hot webmaster, Jim McGann!!!!


Today another diva joins the growing list of overrated sixties starlets. Drum roll please. The loser is that girl, Marlo Thomas. During the course of interviewing starlets for my new book two of them bashed Marlo for being a witch on wheels. Seems that perky nice girl she played on TV was no where near what Marlo was like off screen.

Ann Morell was a beauty queen from Texas who landed a part on That Girl when that girl barred her from working on her series. Suzanne Charny, the ponytail girl from Sweet Charity, had the misfortune of actually working on That Girl in her first TV role. Marlo made her life so miserable that she decided to quit and return to New York. A pep talk from her dad gave Charny the confidence to give it another try, which she did and learned that not every one in Hollywood was a mean-spirited diva. So Marlo, it's free to be, you and me, so shame on you!

P.S. I always disliked Marlo Thomas and her little dog of a show as well!

Finally, check out this DVD review of a movie produced by Diane Baker, another Starlet in the Hall of Shame. Poor thing even has no personality when being herself on camera so it is no wonder she gave the same bland performance in all her movies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I be so bold to also add to the Marlo bonfire. She is the reportedly the reason that the rarely if ever seen 1st season of the Joey Bishop show will NEVER see the light of day on DVD. Rumored to have been destroyed, episodes do exist but are gathering dust as part owner of the show and guest 'star' Marlo doesn't want you to see her original nose!!! Season 2 is out on dvd but the season that is wanted by tv fans is season 1 with Joey, Joe Flynn and pre-My Favorite Martian Bill Bixby! That Witch!

11:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that I think about it, can't she pay for a CGI nose job on these shows???

11:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also been said that Marlo has been banned from flying on certain airlines due to her hostile and irratic behavior with the flight crew in mid-air.

1:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe thats the real reason the FAA added air marshalls to planes?

11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll pass on watching anything with Diane Baker- They need an advisory on her such as 'no driving or operating heavy machinery' after viewing her performances. sorry to be mean but the truth hurts.

11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those interested, Ann Morell's web site is here: She was and is a beautiful woman.

1:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember watching Marlo Thomas on The Phil Donahue Show and a guest asked her a question. It wasn't a personal question but Marlo replied it wasn't her business. The audience was shocked and Phil turned red and I lost all respect for her as a human being. Since then I have no desire to watch anything starring Marlo. She was rude, crude and just plain mean.

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, Suzanne Charny! DirecTV just had Sweet Charity on the other week, on one of it's HiDef channels -- the "Pompeii Club" sequence in high definition is to die for! Last I heard, Ms. Charny was doing regional theater in Oklahoma. Looking forward to a Lisanti update on her!!

11:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, A funny Marlo Thomas story. When I was in college, I worked summers on Marthas Vineyard as a cook.

Marlo and Phil came into my restaurant very late in the afternoon and she wanted waffles. Mind you, this was well after we had stopped serving breakfast.

Long story short, she threw a tantrum when told she could not have her waffles, made the waitress cry,etc... Even said "I'm Marlo Thomas and I want some goddamn waffles". So I ended up maiking them for her.

Now, I'm not sure if many of you readers are cooks, but when you make waffles, the excess batter overflows onto a drip towel underneath the waffle maker. After several hours, this stuff just accumulates and is pretty damn gross.

This is what was used for her "special celebrity" waffle.


6:29 AM


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