Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Actor Kerwin Matthews passed away this week at the age of 81. Kerwin who? you may be asking. He was one of Hollywood's most handsome actors in the late Fifties and early Sixties. Resembling Sean Flynn and just like Sean's daddy Errol, Kerwin excelled in swashbuckling adventure or fantasy movies such as The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Three Worlds of Gulliver, and Jack the Giant Killer.

I personally was not a fan of these movies but Kerwin deserves kudos as the openly gay actor wouldn't play the Hollywood closet game and for a time only found work in Europe. Among his films was a chance to co-star opposite the luschious Tina Louise in the Italian historical epic Warrior Empress. Click the link to a great tribute page to him on the fantastic web site, Brian's Drive-in Theater.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Kerwin from the fun movies he was in. He was such a handsome and good actor. Hollywood was so foolish not to let him star in many more movies. Lots of people are gay and there's nothing wrong with it!!!!!

3:43 PM

Blogger Rogue Spy 007 said...

I recently watched "Jack and the Giant Killer" again. I had loved movies like this as a kid. I found that I still loved it for what it was. I was sad to hear of his passing. As a straight man, I still don't understand why it matters if an actor is gay or not. A good actor is a good actor. They shouldn't have to hide in the closet.

3:21 PM


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