Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


For all you Tina Louise fans, and I am one of course, who know there was more to her acting ability than playing Ginger on Gilligan's Island, check out these YouTube clips from the TV-movie Nightmare in Badham County where our Tina plays a vicious prison guard at an all-women's prison farm in the deep South. (That's Lynne Moody as the black inmate hiding on the bus and Della Reese who puts the choke hold on Tina in Clip #2.) When not lounging around with fellow guard buxom Lana Wood in their bed clothes watching women's wrestling on TV, Tina likes to slap around the inmates to show who's boss woman. Along with her part as Charmaine in The Stepford Wives, it is one of Tina's best performances.

Also sorry to report that Gail Gerber will not be attending the Night-of-a-Thousand-Stars convention in Memphis afterall.


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