Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, July 16, 2007


I've been contacted twice so far on why Gail Gerber dropped out of the above convention this August during Elvis week in Memphis. Basically it was my fault. Gail only agreed to go if I accompanied her. Loving Elvis (and his starlets) like I do, I readily agreed. However, after researching the airfare and the hotel rates (double or triple the price compared to other times) I just couldn't swing it financially. Even though Gail was going to sell autographed copies of the book I interviewed her for (Drive-in Dream Girls) I just didn't think I would recoup anything near the money I was going to have to lay out. Also this convention has high entrance fees so I was not sure how much of a turnout it would get.

I (and Gail) wish Suzanna Leigh (a really nice lady) all the best with her convention and hope it does so well that she has another one next year.


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