Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Tonight I attended the awards ceremony honoring the 12 Most Promising Newcomers as a guest of invitee Gail Gerber former 60s starlet who appeared in such films as The Girls on the Beach, Harum Scarum, and Village of the Giants. Though such presenters as Estelle Parsons, Barbara Cook, and Rosemary Harris presented awards to former American Idol contestant Fantasia, sitcom cast-off Johnny Galecki formerly of Roseanne, and other Broadway or Off-Broadway debuters, the best part of the night was the pictorial montage of photos of past award ceremonies. I literally got all misty-eyed seeing photos of my girls Carol Lynley and Pamela Tiffin when they were recepients of the Theatre World Award for respectively, The Potting Shed in 1957 and Dinner at Eight in 1966.

Bravo to co-producer Kati Meister for putting on a wonderful awards show! Click here to check out the web site.


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