Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I don't like to diss other writers but click here to read a recent interview with Tina Louise for the Baltimore Sun. As I reported previously, Tina has written a children's book and has been touring the country promoting it. She may have left Gilligan's Island behind as the article's title suggests but not this writer who harps on Gilligan's Island right down to the lame question "Who do you prefer Ginger or Mary Ann!?!"

Tina has done so much better work than that sitcom (God's Little Acre, The Stepford Wives, Nightmare in Badham County) so to keep bringing it up in 2007 when she is now an author is just ridiculous. Also the tone of the article is a bit snide and insulting. Come on guys give Tina a break and focus on the now as is her want.


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