Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Two of my favorite TV shows will finally come out on DVD. As a kid in the early seventies I loved ABC's Friday night lineup: Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Room 222, Odd Couple, and Love, American Style. The latter comes to DVD in November. I used to sit there in anticipation to see what starlets would appear in the heart during the show's opening. I'd get excited seeing Tina Louise or Julie Newmar or Yvonne Craig or Deanna Lund, etc. I know I was such a geek. The DVD will contain the first year's season with the short vignettes shown in between episodes featuring Phyllis Davis and Lori Williams.

Time-Life will be releasing the complete 4 seasons of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. on DVD. Not available from Amazon or Best Buy, it will be direct mail only. This is one of my favorite spy shows. I always loved the chemistry between debonair Robert Vaughn and sexy David McCallum. And the series is shock full of starlets including Carol Lynley, Diane McBain, Irene Tsu, Celeste Yarnall, Thordis Brandt, etc. I could go on and on. Read more about it on the Blog at CinemaRetro. Scroll down a bit to find it.


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