Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


First, I have to admit I am a reverse-movie-snob. For me, movies began in 1957. I am not a fan of Hollywood's supposed "Golden Age" or its stars and am proud to admit that I have never seen and have no desire to sit through Casablanca.

With that said, I was surpised to no end how much I enjoyed Laura Wagner's book Killer Tomatoes: Fifteen Tough Film Dames co-authored with Ray Hagen. Laura is an expert on films of the Thirties, Forties, and Fifties and her expertise shines through in the pages of her book, which profiles such tough, no-nonsense broads as Barbara Stanwyck, Gloria Grahame, Joan Blondell, Ann Sheridan, and Claire Trevor. None are favorites of mine (no surprise there as I prefer my Hollywood leading ladies bikini or miniskirt clad though I do like that 18-hour bra wearer Jane Russell who wrote the foreword), but Laura's profiles are meticulously researched, very thorough, and quite interesting. I love a good movie profile book (you can leisurely read a chapter at random any time) and Laura's makes for an enjoyable diversion. So much so that it almost makes me want to see some of the movies these ladies starred in.

Also kudos to McFarland for a knockout cover and crisp clear interior photos, which abound. Go to my Store to purchase a copy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's good to be any kind of film snob. Don't short-change yourself with regards to the movies prior to 1957. Don't diss the 1930s and 1940s just because Carol Lynley and Pamela Tiffin were either not born or in diapers at that time. The world is a big, wide, wonderful place!

3:20 PM


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