Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Friday, July 14, 2006

There will be no more morning afters for comedian Red Buttons who sadly passed away on Thursday July 13, 2006. I wasn't a big fan of his but of course I enjoyed him most as Mr. Martin in The Poseidon Adventure. His meek performance as the haberdasher bachelor who takes it on himself to help terrified pop singer Nonnie (Carol Lynley) survive was touchingly real. And you couldn't help but root for him when he finally stood up to the bellowing Mike Rogo (Ernest Borgnine) at the end.

Another passing I forgot to report on was director Vincent Sherman who died almost a month ago. For the last ten years or so he was the constant companion of 60s starlet, Francine York.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,
I worked with Vincent on several episodes of Trapper John MD, and he and I discussed his experiences with "The Hasty Heart" prior to my doing the play at the LA Music Center and then for Showtime On Broadway in 1983. He was a great gentleman and an encyclopedia of film history and craft. He'll be sorely missed.

11:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS:Dear Tom,
Sorry I never connected with you for that interview a couple of years back. My life was topsy-turvy and an opportunity never materialized. I see that you succeeded in spite of my absence in publishing your intended book about surf movies. Congratulations on following through. I noticed, however, that it ends in 1969. Are you planning a "second wave" that might include BIG WEDNESDAY, NORTH SHORE, FREE RIDE, etc..? If so, feel free to let me know and this time I promise to make myself available for an interview. Lots of good stories and great times to reminisce about.
Meanwhile, good health and good luck.
Gregory Harrison

11:29 PM


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