Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Though I must say I was extremely disappointed that the new Poseidon would not include any of the original cast members in cameo roles, the trailer is amazing. Let's hope that they kept Irwin Allen's spirit alive with the way he deliciously killed off the stars one by one as they make their trek to the top now the bottom of the upsidedown cruise ship. The TV-movie sucked not only because of its cheapness but being so PC you knew who would live and die.

In the trailer you'll notice a blonde female singer on stage who looks confused as the ocean liner begins to tilt. Let's hope this is a homage to Carol Lynley's Nonnie from the original.

The poster is available for purchase at


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