Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, April 07, 2008


What better way to return to Blogging then with a Carol Lynley post. Hell, you weren't expecting a Diane Baker tribute, were you? Blech!

Click here to see this wonderful fan page on MySpace. Carol may not have been the most talented actress in Sixties/Seventies Hollywood but she sure was one of the most beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I so totally agree with you! I noticed her, when I first saw The Shuttered Room, on the Late, Late Show. I couldn't have been more than 8 years old (Pop and Ma didn't know I used to sneak downstairs to watch tv, when I should have been sleeping). She is still one of my absolute favorites, and always will be.

9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How soon we forget! Years ago, while going to school, worked for awhile at a VERY popular bookstore called Martindales' in Beverly Hills. It would be easier to list the people who DIDN"T go there -- you get the idea. Ms. Lynly was a "regular" there, and one of my favorite customers -- so nice, and rather shy too, self-effacing, un-actorish.And like all red-blooded American boys of that time, I had a mad crush on her! R.J.

7:02 AM


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