Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Friday, March 21, 2008


With all this chatter about Dawn Wells this past week, I thought I'd share a very rare picture of her sexier co-star Tina Louise pictured with Elvis Presley when he was discharged from the army in March of 1960. Tina had fled Hollywood to work in Europe and was hired by Mutual Radio Network to cover the big event.

"The King" and "Ginger" make an awesome duo and just think how they would have heated up the big screen if they ever worked together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

humina humina humina...Mary Ann or Ginger? Puhleeze! More Ginger please!

9:26 PM

Blogger Nostalgia Kinky said...

Hey Tom,
Your fellow Carol Lynley fanatic Jeremy here from Moon In The Gutter. I invite you to check out my new spin off, an all Elvis blog, when you get a chance. It's called How The Web Was Woven and it's listed along with my others under my profile...thanks and I hope you are well.

8:20 AM


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