Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Monday, April 05, 2010


Someone commented on a previous Blog asking me who were the 3 beach girls dancing with Buster Keaton during the end credits of Beach Blanket Bingo. The tall blonde is the late Mary Hughes, Bobbi Shaw is the one in the fur bikini, and the short-haired sandy-blonde is Patti Chandler.

In the opening below, Patti is dancing with Jody McCrea and Mary shoves the ice cream cone into the face of Mike Nader.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you're solving mysteries about BEACH BLANKET BINGO, can you address the great mystery that people have been talking about for years? The fullframe version, which used to appear on AMC, had the solo song "I'll Never Change Him" performed by Annette by herself in a bedroom. However, that song has never appeared in any of the widescreen transfers from MGM. Deborah Walley sang that song in SKI PARTY, I think it was. It sounded as though it had the same backing track (instrumental and vocals) as Annete's version, but substituted Walley as the lead vocalist. My thought is that Annette's version was deleted from the theatrical version, but re-added for TV prints due to the film's running length (which was done with several AIP films when they were released to TV). Years ago, someone who claimed to work for MGM stated that the song "You'll Never Change Him" did not appear in the theatrical release version, according to "studio notation."

12:59 PM


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