Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

RIP Yvonne De Carlo

Though she wasn't a 60s starlet, I always liked the sultry Yvonne De Carlo who passed away today from natural causes. She was 84. I remember her most from The Ten Commandments where she played Sephora and of course as Lily Munster on The Munsters, which I always preferred over The Addams Family. Not a comedic actress, Yvonne was able to more than held her own opposite Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis and was a trouper joining in on the slapstick where she got many laughs. Years later she began popping up in grade Z horror movies but she always gave a vigorous performance. Theatre queens love her from her turn in Follies where she sang "I'm Still Here" and I am sure she was just fabulous.


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