Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Friday, February 01, 2008


Click here to read a fabulous piece on the eerie cult fave horror thriller The Shuttered Room (1967) starring Oliver Reed and Carol Lynley. It warms the cockles of my heart to see a college kid praise the beautiful and underrated Carol Lynley. After Bunny Lake Is Missing, this is Carol's best performance and proves, at least to me, that she would had made a wonderful lead in Rosemary's Baby. A film I was never crazy about due to boring Mia Farrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with that at all. If not Mia Farrow, there would have been tons of preferable alternatives before choosing Carol Lynley.

11:27 AM

Blogger Nostalgia Kinky said...

Thanks so much for the link to my article on THE SHUTTERED ROOM. It is a real favorite film of mine and I appreciate the link and nice words.

As far as ROSEMARY'S BABY. I really like Mia and love her in the role but I think Carol could have been extraordinary in it as well...I don't agree with 'anonymous' that there would have been tons of other alternatives...

thanks again for the link and support.

11:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From IMDB Trivia Page on Rosemary's Baby:

"Casting for Rosemary's Baby presented its own problems: Polanski at first saw Rosemary as an "All-American Girl" and sought Tuesday Weld for the lead, but she passed on the role. Jane Fonda was then approached, but turned down the offer so she could make _Barbarella (1968)_ in Europe with then- husband Roger Vadim. According to his memoirs, Polanski for a while had the idea of having his future wife Sharon Tate on the part of Rosemary, yet he desisted, thinking it would have been unethical. Other actresses considered for the part were Julie Christie, Elizabeth Hartman and Joanna Pettet. Robert Evans suggested Mia Farrow based on her TV work and her media appeal (at the time she was Mrs. Frank Sinatra)."

I don't see Carol Lynley's name mentioned in any of that discussion of alternate Rosemary's.

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if Carol Lynley were offered Rosemary's Baby, she probably would've turned it down, given her track record of turning down "Five Easy Pieces" and the Valene role on "Dallas" before it spun-off into "Knots Landing."

9:53 AM


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