Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Finally back online due to Blogger problems.

Sad to hear the news last week that Suzanne Pleshette passed away. She was not one of my favorites in the least (that throaty bullfrog voice of hers was annoying) but she was a Sixties Starlet though she would never admit to it. Though most fans loved her in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) or as Bob New hart's acerbic wife in the popular TV series The Bob Newhart Show, I only liked her in the glossy Rome Adventure (1962) where she played a staid librarian who journeys to Italy where she finds love with pretty boy Troy Donahue who is being kept by older Angie Dickinson. The musical score is lush, Rome never looked more stunning, and Suzanne is very pretty and likable in the role.


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