Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Day one at the show was fair and I sold about 10 books. The show wasn't particularly crowded but that was expected as it was a work day.

Chatted with the still lovely and gracious Celeste Yarnall who had new pictures from her movies Eve and The Nutty Professor. She also was selling DVDS of Eve and The Velvet Vampire. Also said hi to my buddy Richard Herd from the sci-fi clasic TV series V and producer Bert I. Gordon who didn't remember Gail Gerber from his movie Village of the Giants.

Didn't chat with Carol Lynley as she and her Poseidon Adventure co-stars were mobbed but Carol looked better than she has in a long time. Good for her.

Actor that played Superboy in the TV series was in full view from my table and he sure was eye candy but two away from him was the hissable France Nuyen! Just my luck.


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