Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Happy to report that Fantasy Femme Lana Wood is co-starring in the new biblical epic Book of Ruth to be released next year. Click here to see the trailer. Lana plays a character named Tani. I know nuthin' 'bout the Bible but I do know that Lana won't be showing the cleavage as pictured from her role as Plenty O'Toole in Diamonds Are Forever.

Other familiar faces in the movie include Sherry Morris as Ruth, Dan Haggerty, and Rebecca Holden. From the trailer the movie has a low-budget Christian filmmaking feel to it but I won't hold that against it since they were shrewd enough to cast Lana (one of the best Bond Girls of all time) in it.


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