Sixties Cinema - starring fantasy femmes, film fatales, drive-in dream girls and teenage beach movies from the 60's

Friday, August 29, 2008


Sixties starlet Dodie Marshall made her film debut in a small role as the girl who gets Elvis Presley at the end of Spinout (1966) after he barely escapes the marriage-minded clutches of heiress Shelley Fabares, author Diane McBain, and drummer Deborah Walley. Dodie then was bumped up to female lead opposite the King in Easy Come, Easy Go (1967) as a mod go-go dancer who helps him search for buried treasure in the Florida Keys. Then poof--she dropped off the face of the planet. It was always rumored that she married some millionaire and quit acting.

I tried to find Dodie to interview her and had no luck. An online friend and fan of hers named Martin is determined to locate her and found a recent photo. Click here to see. She looks fabulous and still must be in Hollywood somewhere. Dodie if you ever read this I still would love to interview you!


Blogger Nostalgia Kinky said...

Totally unrelated to the post Tom...but just in case you didn't know, THE SHUTTERED ROOM is finally hitting DVD in early October as Best Buy exclusive. Thought you might like to hear the great news...

9:38 PM


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